product designgood design

in your palm

We know what it takes

Since 2014, mobile users have suddenly became the online majority. They have unique needs. They don’t need miniaturised desktop experiences. UX Design for mobile should make the best use of smaller screens, cater to human physical limitations such as fingertip size, be cognisant of users on the move, often in distracting environments. Attention spans are short in mobile UX. Users want results fast, with minimal effort and zero friction.

We work closely with your Product Management and Engineering teams to deliver products and features to your customers that are valuable, usable and feasible.

We are well versed with the design principles that go behind creating successful Mobile applications.

Prioritize Content

Allocate user’s attention according to your or user’s need. Smartphones have limited screen real estate, so prioritising content and creating hierarchy is key.

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Watch this Mobile UX design principle come alive in Str8bat, a mobile app for cricketers that provides instant, visual and actionable feedback to the player and coach and shows where the batsmen need to improve their technique.

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Easy Onboarding

When people use mobile devices they expect to complete their tasks in the least possible amount of time. Users like quick sessions with minimal interaction that helps them achieve their goals.

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Watch this mobile UX design principle work its wonders in the Fertility Tracker application designed for IZiel Healthcare. It helps a couple plan and conceive a baby by tracking the woman's ovulation cycle.

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Seamless Experience Across Devices

Modern users have a rage of digital devices that they can use to experience your product. Desktop computer, mobile device, tablet, smartwatches and more. Customers expect functional, flexible and responsive designs that deliver the same experience across devices.

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Watch this mobile UX design principle produce fabulous results in Maya, an analytics tool powered by Ai, built to be used by credit card portfolio managers at banks, to study and leverage customer spend patterns

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Intuitive Navigation

Customers should be able to effortlessly get to the destination without any explanation. Good navigation should feel like an invisible hand that guides the user along their journey.

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Watch this mobile UX design principle put to work in our design for marketsN, a secure platform built on Blockchain that brings together all vendors who supply to a particular business; giving real time information about inventory, demand and available capacity.

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Restrict User Input

Typing on a mobile is a slow and error-prone process. Customers need shortcuts and efficient ways to get things done. It’s best to minimize the amount of typing by shortening forms, removing unnecessary field and optimise screen real estate.

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Watch this mobile UX design principle produce fabulous results in Maya, an analytics tool powered by Ai, built to be used by credit card portfolio managers at banks, to study and leverage customer spend patterns

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Provide User Control

People like to feel like they’re in control of their actions and should be allowed to make decisions to personalize their journeys. The ability to change settings or cancel actions provides the customer with a sense of control over the system.

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Watch this mobile UX design principle work its wonders in the Fertility Tracker application designed for IZiel Healthcare. It helps a couple plan and conceive a baby by tracking the woman's ovulation cycle.

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Brand Connect & Storytelling

First impressions play a pivotal role in enhancing the customer experience. Visual storytelling helps customers attach meaning to what they see; which eventually leads them to comprehend the core of the concept. Customers want a story to remember, not just an app that works.

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See this Mobile UX design principle come alive in Str8bat, a mobile app for cricketers that provides instant, visual and actionable feedback to the player and coach and shows where the batsmen need to improve their technique.

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View Our Enterprise app UX Projects